Thursday, June 2, 2011

Miraculous Donation

Wilde Fruit Juice supported Janet Lightley and her team partner, Andrew Koen, who participated in the 2011 ABSA Cape Epic that took place from 27 March to 3 April. They aimed to raise awareness and funds for a local charity initiative, Miracle Kidz.

Miracle Kidz provides a safe and loving temporary home to abused, abandoned and neglected babies and children. In addition to feeding, clothing and attending to any medical requirements, Miracle Kidz introduces the children in their care to a family structure and prepares them for the future.

Even though just under 90% of the cyclists who started the ABSA Cape Epic race on the 27th of March 2011 saw it through to the finish line on 3 April, Janet Lightley and Andrew Koen said that it was an incredible experience for them and that it was a privilege to be able to ride in such beautiful and unspoiled areas.

Furthermore, the team was blown away by the massive support they received during their Epic venture: a total of R 51 427,50 was raised for Miracle Kidz, which will now be put towards the organisation's much needed vehicle fund for the transport of the children and babies in their care.

If you are interested in making a donation to Miracle Kids, please visit them for more details.

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