The Wilde Cycle Race 2009 will host two road cycling routes, as well as two mountain biking routes! All four races will launch from the Wellington Rugby Club.
Just for a bit of direction, here's the MAP.

Road Cycling Profile for the 54 km race,

So remember,
21 February 2009
Register online by:
19 February 2009
Wellington Rugby Club.
Pre-entry Fees:
R 60 for Pedal Power Association members
and R 95 for non-members respectively.
R 30 CSA fee us applicable for non-memebers.
R 5 for temporary number.
Register online:
Pedal Power Association
Phone: (021) 873 7337
More Information:
Andre Gilliland or James Stigant
Cell: 082 577 7466
Tel: (021) 873 7337