Wilde is part of an unique fruit juice category as it's made from 100% pure pressed and squeezed fruit, containing no preservatives or additives, thus retaining most of the nutrients of the fruit in the juice. Wilde Fruit Juice is one of South Africa's top long life pressed and squeezed fruit juice brands and has extended shelf life of eight months outside the cold chain.
Wilde Pure Pressed & Squeezed Fruit Juice, in its environmentally sound packaging can be transported at either ambient or room temperatures, so energy is saved during distribution. The packages are extremely light weight and can be packed like building blocks, thus saving space and reducing fuel emissions.
Tomcat Advertising Agency (Pty) Ltd incorporated colour to communicate each of the flavours individually. These flavours include Tropical, Apple, Mango, Wild Berry, Orange, Guava, Red Grape and Pear. The packaging design uses clean cut lines and bold colours on a contrasting white backdrop to draw more attention to the fruit on the packaging. The concept behind the design for Wilde Fruit Juice was to give all the glory to the fruit. There are eight variants of Wilde Fruit Juice available in a 200 ml Tetra Pak and nine variants in a 1 L Elo Pak, available at most retail outlets.
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