Wilde Fruit Juice were one of the proud sponsors, with Pick n Pay, of a fund raising charity day that was held on Saturday 19 April in Pretoria. This event was held to aid the Bethany House Trust – an organization that initiates, implements, co-ordinates and manages projects critical to the children and youth of South Africa.
Each entrant paid a donation fee to spin for an hour. Pacmar's inland sales manager, Renay Bunke, spent 3 and a half hours on the spinning seat for the charity trust. Approximately 750 participants took part in the day's spinning sessions - people, willing to break a sweat for a good cause.
Pacmar is looking forward to the next event that has been planned in conjunction with Pick and Pay, later this year.
Each entrant paid a donation fee to spin for an hour. Pacmar's inland sales manager, Renay Bunke, spent 3 and a half hours on the spinning seat for the charity trust. Approximately 750 participants took part in the day's spinning sessions - people, willing to break a sweat for a good cause.
Pacmar is looking forward to the next event that has been planned in conjunction with Pick and Pay, later this year.

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