Friday, April 11, 2008

Trade Presenter now downloadable online!

Get a better idea of the juices that we offer. Download the trade presenter at

The Wilde Cycle Race makes headlines on Super Sport.

The night marathon.

Wilde Fruit Juice was a sponsor at the Gene Louw Night Marathon held on 7 March 2008, where juice was sold to generate funds for the school. Approximately 1 000 contenders, consisting of both parents and children, took part in this exciting event.

CTICC Woman's Show

The Woman's Show was held over the weekend of 2 to 3 February 2008. It was yet another successful exhibition, but this time it was bigger and better than before. We were the only juice exhibitors at the show, something we should be proud of. We decided to go about our juice exhibition a bit differently this year. We split the Wilde and Crystal Falls brands and displayed them at different points. This focussed more attention on each brand's individuality and helped to clearly communicate the distinctive juice intrinsics - something which is hard to do when the display is a joint venture. We focussed more on the purchaser of fruit juice for the family than our fruit juice itself, which resulted in favourable feedback, as the ladies kept on asking for more.

Klein Boishaai Fun Run

Wilde Vrugtesap het vir die eerste keer ingetree as mede-borg vir die Klein Boishaai Fun Run, wat op 16 Februarie gehou is. Ongeveer 250 ouers en kinders van die skool het aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem. Dit was die perfekte geleentheid om beide kind en ouer te bereik met ons vrugtesap, hulle in te lig en te herinner om in die toekoms ons produk te kies. Die gunstige terugvoering wat ons ontvang het, het 'n neiging geskep om meer deel te wees van sulke aangeleenthede.

Wilde Summerbreeze

Natuurlike- en Organiese Produkteskou

Pacmar was die naweek van 12 tot 14 Oktober betrokke by die "Natural and Organic Products Exhibition," wat gehou is by die CTICC (Cape Town International Convention Centre). Die skou is aangebied om die publiek van die belangrikheid van organiese produkte in te lig.

Ons het die dames van Freerunner ingespan om ons uit te help met die promosie van Wilde en Crystal Falls produkte. Dit was ‘n suksesvolle skou, met stalletjies amper so divers soos die mense wat teenwoordig was. Ons het gunstige terugvoering van die publiek ontvang, met talle navrae oor waar ons produkte beskikbaar is.

Wilde Fruit Juice is a fast moving brand.

Wilde Fruit Juice is set apart from other juices due to their unique production process, as featured on the Fast Moving Brands website. Visit

Wilde concentrates on fresh fruit.

Wilde Fruit Juice features in the May 2006 edition of M&J Retail Magazine, where Wilde was introduced as "the next best thing to eating fresh fruit." The article highlights the fact that Wilde Fruit Juice is not made out of concentrate like most juices, but out of pure pressed fresh fruit.